Ngāti Manuhiri Settlement Trust facilitator Te-Ao Rosieur developed a one-hour cultural classroom session to reflect our cultural view of the CatchIT Schools programme.
Through several sessions, Te Ao shared with the students (and teachers) the importance of protecting taonga species and the significance of kaitiakitanga stewardship.

Thank you to Matakanakana School, Leigh School and Pakiri School.
At the end of each session, the learner was able to list 3 traditional place names, 4 endangered species and through an activity with Kawakawa leaves were able to identify negative impacts that are happening in the moana ocean, awa river and on the whenua land then "turning a new leaf" and provide a solution or mitigation.
Ma mua aka kite a muri, ma muri ka ora a mua
Those who lead give sight to those who follow, those follow give life and purpose to those who lead
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Ngāti Manuhiri Settlement Trust