Photo source: NZ Herald
This morning’s Herald article has sent shockwaves through the hapū as we read that a luxury resort planned for development at Omaha that’s just a stone’s throw away from our Marae has received a big thumbs up from Annie Baines and Ngāti Wai.
The Trust has opposed this development for the past two years as it significantly impacts on and diminishes the mauri of our rohe whenua, rohe moana, wāhi tapū, urupa, and taiao. We have brought in ecologists, environmental advisors, and engaged with kaumatua and whānau who are concerned and opposed to this application.
Mook says, “We are not going to allow the teko from some flash resort flow into the urupa and over our beloved tupuna, not now, not ever”.
Ngāti Manuhiri Settlement Trust and the Manuhiri Kaitiaki Charitable Trust are filing opposition to this application and will actively oppose this development. We encourage all members to make a submission and say NO.
The application is on the council website and is open for submissions and closes on Monday. See link below.